First edition of the Journal of Mechatronics Engineering has been published


The Federal Institute of Ceará has just published the first issue of the international Journal of Mechatronics Engineering (JME), which brings articles from researchers in several fields of Engineering and Computer Science. Its first edition was published in April 2018, aiming to gather relevant works produced by Brazilian and by foreign researchers.

Since its conception, the JME project has been planned for about one year. The journal is published in English and has received proposals to publish articles from other countries still in its first issue. The related areas of the journal are: Electrical Engineering, Electronics, Mechatronics, Biomedical and Informatics in Health, Mechanics, Computing, Materials and Engineering Teaching.

Reference research

The Coordinator of Scientific and Technological Publications of the Federal Institute of Ceará, Rebeca Maria Gadelha de Sousa, emphasizes that the Journal of Mechatronics Engineering arises with the intention of becoming a vehicle of reference, with international scope in the scientific dissemination of researches in Engineering.

According to Rebecca, "JME focuses on quality and reliability in the management of editorial processes, a commitment to meet deadlines, the creation of a renowned editorial body with expertise in the areas of knowledge addressed and concern about the relevance of published content." For her, "the JME presents itself as a gain to researchers, who will be rely on a journal that will continually increase in its consolidation," she adds.

Editorial board

The Editor-in-chief of JME and Professor of the campus of IFCE Fortaleza, Auzuir Ripardo de Alexandria, states that the journal's editorial board is made up of professors and researchers from IFCE and other Brazilian and foreign higher education institutions with recognized academic trajectory in their respective areas. Its editorial staff includes researchers from postgraduate programs in Computer Science, Telecommunications Engineering and Renewable Energies of IFCE and other partner higher education institutions.The editor emphasizes that, starting from issue two, the publication will be open in a continuous stream. "With the launch of the first issue of the journal, we can focus on increasing its disclosure, seek to increase indexations and operationalize the second issue, which will come in October," he explains. According to Auzuir, there are already submissions for the next edition. "We thank the editorial staff, editorial board, evaluators and authors for the success of this issue, and we especially thank the IFCE."

Journal of Mechatronics Engineering

Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Ceará - IFCE, Campus Fortaleza
Av. Treze de Maio, 2081, Benfica, Fortaleza-CE. CEP: 60040-531. Ceará, Brazil.
Phone: +55 (85) 33073684