IFCE launches a new edition of JME


The 5th edition of the IFCE journal Journal of Mechatronics Engineering (JME) is available. The new publication of the semiannual magazine features two articles, one in the area of ​​Mechatronics - "Optimal control of a planar robot manipulator based on the Linear Quadratic Inverse-Dynamics design" - and another in the area of ​​Computing - "Computer vision systems in unmanned aerial vehicle" : a review ".

Created in 2018, the journal publishes original articles in English related to the following areas of Engineering: Electrical, Electronics, Mechatronics, Biomedical and Informatics, Mechanics, Computing, Materials, and Teaching. The scientific dissemination vehicle raises the research indicators of IFCE, the researchers involved and the postgraduate programs, especially considering its international character.

The next regular issue of JME is expected to be published in January 2020. Researchers, practitioners, undergraduate and graduate students may publish in the magazine. Interested parties should access the system and follow the guidelines.


Original link at IFCE.